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How to run your first Assembly Language Program using 8086 MASM Assembler and Dosbox at windows

If you are a beginner in assembly language, running your first program on a 64-bit Windows operating system may be difficult. However, I can help you with this. To begin with, download MASM and DosBox software.

After that, extract the MASM file into the 'C' drive, which will create a folder named 8086, and then install DosBox.

Once you have completed the installation, open the DosBox application from your desktop screen. You will see two files:

MASM assembler and Dosbox

Now, type 'mount c c:\8086' and press Enter, followed by 'c:' and press Enter again. You are now ready to write your first program. Open an editor by typing 'EDIT program_name.ASM', and a new window will appear as shown below where you can write your program:

8086 programming in Dosbox

For example, I have provided a sample program for you to try. 

INT 21h
INT 21h

You need to save the file with an extension '.asm', such as 'hello.asm.' 

8086 microprocessor programming

Once you have saved the program, exit the editor, and you will be returned to the previous DOSBox window. You should see 'C:>'.

Now you will write the following command:  
masm  program-name.asm
In our example, I will use the following command:
masm hello.asm
Then press Enter. You will see the following:

MASM assembler

Now, press Enter again. You will see the following:


Press Enter again. You will see the following:

8086 programming

If there are any errors or warnings, you will be notified of them, and you need to correct them by typing 'EDIT program_name.ASM.' Once you have fixed the issues, type 'link program_name_without_extension'. In our example, we use the following:
LINK  hello
Press Enter. You will see the following:

assembly language programming

Finally, type 'program-name.exe' .For our example, it would be: 
To exit the DOSBox window, type 'exit'.
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Digital signal processing: A brief Introduction

A signal   is formally defined as a function of one or more independent variables that conveys information on the nature of a physical phenomenon. For example- any physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other independent variables such as  voice, image, light etc .

Any signal generation is usually associated with a system that responds to a stimulus or force. The stimulus (like human voice) in combination with the system (like carbon microphone) is called a signal source (like sound signal source )

After generating when we pass a signal through a system (physical device), it performs an operation on the signal for proper information transmission. Such operations are usually referred to as signal processing (DSP).If the system is digital in nature , the operations are called as a digital signal processing. 

A digital system can be constructed as a combination of digital hardware and software, each of which performs its own set of specified rules. The method or set of rules for implementing the system is called an algorithm.

In practice we have an interest in devising algorithms that are computationally efficient, fast and easily implemented. Thus a major topic in our study of digital signal processing is the discussion of efficient algorithms for performing such operations as filtering, correlation, and spectral analysis.

The main applications of DSP are audio signal processing, audio compression, digital image processing, video compression, speech processing, speech recognition, digital communications, radar, sonar, financial signal processing, seismology and bio-medicine. Specific examples are speech compression and transmission in digital mobile phones, room correction of sound in hi-fi and sound reinforcement applications, weather forecasting, economic forecasting, seismic data processing, analysis and control of industrial processes, medical imaging such as CAT scans and MRI, MP3 compression, computer graphics, image manipulation, hi-fi loudspeaker crossovers and equalization, and audio effects for use with electric guitar amplifiers.
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